Monday, May 11, 2009

Fuck you Jared

Or, McDonald's is the new health food.

First, a disclaimer, I am not all that concerned with eating healthy. As proof of this, I admit to eating McDonald's nearly every day. Shockingly, I haven't been Super Sized.*

My take on nutrition and eating properly: calories are neutral, we need them to live. Too many will make you fat, but I don't have that issue. Thus, I try to maximize the protein, vitamins, and fiber while minimizing carbohydrates, sugar, and sodium. Fat, I could take it or leave it.

Using info from Subway, and comparing to McDonald's, I decided to do an interesting compare-o. How does my meal of choice, a McDouble and a 4 piece McNuggets compare with a "healthy" sandwich from Subway. For the sandwich I chose Jared's favorite, Turkey.

A 12 inch Turkey and my McDonald's dollar menu pair both have 580 calories. While the McDonald's out does subway in two categories, Fat (31/8 g) and Cholesterol (95/40 mg), Subway outdoes McDonald's in Sodium (2100/920 mg), Carbs (96/49 g) and Sugar (12/7 g). The Protein figure is somewhat shocking as the Subway has more protein (36/32 g).

At the very least, it is pretty hard to claim that Subway is particularly healthier than McDonald's provided you control for quantity.

*Spurlock can fuck off as well.

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